Process Quality
OAH discloses its quality process to ensure its clients that each deliverable is handled by highly-qualified specialists following a step-by-step quality check.
- Initial scoping will be discussed to the client. A USDM and non-billable lead staff(s) will be assigned to begin implementation.
IT Infrastructure and Set-up
- An acceptable and secured pipeline will be set-up. We will ensure that acceptable internal control systems are set.
Process Mapping and Resources Profiling
- Detailed mapping of the client’s business and operational processes to understand current workflow, process requirements and activity logs.
- Profiling of resources required in the offshore operations.
Process Migration and Implementation
- Structured approach to process information migration using well-defined transition and implementation framework ensuring smooth and secure transfer of processes and information.
- Comprehensive documentation, migration, and training plan in the offshore operations.
- Clear definition of responsibilities among on-site and offshore staff helps in easier resolution of issues and enables effective communication and process implementation.
- Use of Industry- Specific Internal Control Questionnaires.
Documentation, Procedures and Oversight
Tracking Input Quality
- Complete checking of source documents using specialized processors.
- Clearly defined business procedures at the time of process and information migration ensures quick handling and response time.
Ensuring Output Quality
- Specialized resource for reviewing the quality of deliverables.
- Secured monitoring of service levels of the process by a dedicated team leader.
- Use of quality techniques and process charts ensuring compliance to client’s standards.
- Gradual communications and transition of responsibility will be made between client and the offshore staff.
- OAH USDM will establish reports (Daily, Monthly & Exception Reporting) to ensure effectiveness of operation.